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Nike Spotlight On

Nike’s primary Instagram, @Nike has grown to a 177 million audience. Spotlight On is a photo editorial
franchise that features everyday athletes from around the world, expanding how we view sport. Being the
brand’s largest audience, Spotlight On uses both Feed and Stories— where IG Stories expands on our athlete
stories with short facts and engagement prompts.

By storytelling these everyday, often unheard people and communities, we’re using the Nike platform to elevate
and educate their audience members. Going beyond conventional perceptions of who gets to be an athlete. We’re
normalizing different ways of seeing others and cultures, including how sport can positively impact communities.

Cholitas Escaladoras
These Indigenous Aymara women from Bolivia, many of the cooks and guides for foreign tourists coming to Bolivia
to climb their local mountain are reclaiming their outdoors and tackling the mountain themselves.

In January 2019 they summited the 22,000 ft peak of Mt. Aconagua,
all while wearing both climbing gear and their traditional clothing.
Their next excursion is summiting Everest.

Photographer - Todd Anthony

Each everyday athlete story is featured both on @Nike’s main Feed
and as a Stories highlight.


¡Viva! Flamenco
This Flamenco troupe is like no other.
Founded and directed by Manuel Liñán, this group of LGBTQIA+ dancers perform the traditionally female flamenco roles in full drag.
Based in Madrid with vibrant enthusiasm and skill, they’ve taken on centuries old traditions both in Spain and around the world.

Photographer - Camila Falquez


Tarkwa Bay Surfers
Outside of Lagos City a tight-knit community of locals picked up broken, forgotten boards left by tourists teaching themselves how to surf.
These young kids and teens now spend 5-6 hours training hoping to represent Nigeria as it’s first surf team with goals to make it to the Summer Olympics.

Photographer - Oli Hillyer-Riley

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