Gen Z views themselves as the loneliest generation. 68% feel stressed around the news and the world’s future and less than 50% believe they have “good” mental health.
PROBLEM: How do we reach teens and young adults when they are hyper aware of brands pandering to them. How do we encourage homes getting a pet when adults don’t understand kids’ needs. AND how do we bridge the gap between Gen Z and their parents about how young people feel in today’s world.
SOLUTION: We brought forward the deepest worries of teens and young adults - acknowledging them head-on and offered some reprieve - a pet. A pet sees you when no one else does.
Our campaign became an overwhelmingly positive social hub for comments, discussions and shares across PAL’s channels creating the brand’s first Gen Z campaign, going beyond their typical boomer audience.
You can’t force teens and young adults do anything that feels inauthentic to their own identity. To have young people share a part of themselves proved their heartfelt, genuine love & care for this campaign.
Life can suck. A pet can help.
The campaign drove to PAL’s website with more Gen-Z POVs welcoming anyone to search for a pet of their own with PAL’s pet finder.
Director - Richelle Chen, Adolescent Content
This campaign became a tool for Gen Z to start a conversation with their parent or adult in their life, bridging the gap between two generations.